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GCHRJ has a strict no-plagiarism policy. All contributions to GCHRJ should be the original work of the contributors. Any reference to other works must be cited in line with the prescribed style. All submissions will be put through plagiarism check software and any plagiarised work will be automatically rejected.
We do not accept duplicate or redundant publications unless necessary for furthering academic discourse.
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All works published in GCHRJ are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Open Access
GCHRJ follows a gold open-access policy for all published works. All published volumes of the journal are available on our website to read, download, and any other lawful use.
Previous volumes of the journal can be also accessed at Global Campus Open Knowledge Repository.
For any queries and clarification, please contact gcjournal@gchumanrights.org.