Journal Volumes
The Global Campus Human Rights Journal is a peer-reviewed bi-annual publication that serves as a forum for rigorous scholarly analysis, critical commentaries, and reports on recent developments pertaining to human rights and democratisation globally.
The impact of mandatory Hijab Laws on women’s rights in Iran: A human rights perspective
Rethinking China’s challenge to human rights: The case of tourism development in Tibet
The right to live or to live well? Refugees’ quest for entitlement: A reflection through Aristotle’s and Arendt’s lenses
Combating climate change and promoting human rights through associativism
A monster called justice: Female incarceration and motherhood in Mexico’s prison system
The State of exception: An insight into its theoretical background
Universities’ responsibilities to respect and protect human rights transnationally: A critical discussion of collaboration and exchange between the UK and China
The paradox of child participation in child labour: An interface between statutory and customary child labour laws in Malawi
The construction of global citizenship and human rights through graffiti in Europe
A prolegomenon on deepfakes and human rights in the African Charter
Montenegro, a secular state? A discussion on the power of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro
The prohibition of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine: Emergency and human rights
Keynote “Internal displacement: opportunities and challenges in a world of mobility and vulnerabilities”
The intersection of internal displacement in the context of armed conflict and violence with climate change and disasters
An examination of the protection of the rights of internally displaced persons in Europe: From the Kampala Convention and the UN Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement to a European convention
Climate displacement and the relevance of climate justice: A trend analysis of South Africa, Zimbabwe, South Sudan and Liberia
A lack of legal frameworks for internally displaced persons impacted by climate change and natural disasters: Analysis of regulatory challenges in Bangladesh, India and the Pacific Islands
The socio-economic status of internally displaced people in South East Europe: The cases of Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo
Emergency response to the war in Ukraine: The role of state and non-state actors in supporting IDPs
The enigma of internally displaced persons in Latin America and the Caribbean: An inquiry into natural disasters and climate-change-related displacements in The Bahamas, Honduras, Peru and Brazil
Decades of wars in Iraq and Yemen and the protracted displacement crisis: The impact on women and children
Russian anti-war activists continue feminist tradition of opposing violence
How energy injustice fuels Middle East conflict and human rights abuses
COVID-19 must accelerate African push for universal healthcare
Human rights preparedness and protracted ongoing emergencies
Hydropower plants in the Western Balkans: Protecting or destroying nature?
COVID-19 highlights need for feminist human rights approach to ensure socio-economic gender equality
Dominican Republic border wall: Concrete symbol of centuries-long anti-Haitian ideology
Child rights strategic litigation on deprivation of liberty for migration-related reasons: Review of selected cases in Asia and Europe
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic and socio-economic rights
The right to education in the Caucasus in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic
A she-cession? Exploring labour policy responses to COVID-19 and their impact on women’s right to work in Europe
Pandemic and the access to healthcare: Economic inequality and marginalisation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia
The realisation of the right to social security during COVID-19 in Africa: Case studies of Cameroon, Kenya and South Africa
Envisioning the new normal in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic: Inequality, COVID-19 and vulnerability
A critical review of the relationship between academic freedom and democracy in Ghana’s public universities: From pre-independence to the Fourth Republic
Enhancing children’s participation in research: A review of ‘the limits of giving voice’
Regional developments in human rights and democratisation during 2020: A focus on the European Union
Selected developments in human rights and democratisation in Africa during 2020
Regional developments in human rights and democratisation in South-East Europe during 2020
The Covid-19 impact: Key issues in the Asia Pacific region
The dire human rights situation under the rule of the Taliban
Diversity, human rights and federalism: The case of Afghanistan
Redressing language-based exclusion and punishment in education and the Language Friendly School initiative
Rohingya children in Bangladesh: Safeguarding their health-related rights in relation to the available healthcare system
Procedural precarity: An examination of Canadian immigration policy and practice in relation to immigrant youth
Children’s rights to privacy in times of emergency: The case of Serbia in relation to internet education technologies
Children’s rights budgeting and social accountability: Children’s views on its purposes, processes and their participation
The Third Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child: Preliminary case law assessment for the effective promotion and protection of children’s rights
Rethinking the façade of decentralisation under the 1996 Constitution of Cameroon
Regional Developments
European populism in the European Union: Results and human rights impacts of the 2019 parliamentary elections
Selected developments in human rights and democratisation in sub-Saharan Africa during 2019
A contradictory 2019 in the Arab world: The heralds of a second Arab Spring in times of increased vulnerability and upgraded authoritarianism
Selected regional developments in human rights and democratisation in the Asia Pacific during 2019: Prospects turned into plights
Two sides of the same coin: Contradictory legal and administrative practices towards children in immigration detention centres in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand
Armed conflict and national security depriving children of liberty in the MENA region: Case studies and good practices
Migrant children and adolescents from North Central America towards Mexico and their deprivation of liberty
Deinstitutionalisation of children with disabilities: Process, progress and challenges in South-East Europe
Migration related detention of children in Southern Africa: Developments in Angola, Malawi and South Africa
Children’s deprivation of liberty as a tool of immigration and national security control in Europe? Unlocking captured childhoods by means of child-centred strategies and non-custodial solutions
Overview of measures applied to children in conflict with law in post-Soviet countries: non-custodial measures and diversion programmes
Regional Developments
The 17 October 2019 protests in Lebanon: Perceptions of Lebanese and non-Lebanese residents of Tripoli and surroundings
Recent regional developments in human rights and democratisation in South-East Europe during 2019
Human rights and democratisation during 2019: The case of Armenia, Georgia and Moldova
The influence of diaspora on democracy-building processes
The ambivalent role of diaspora engagement for the homeland in the Balkans
Africa’s democratic deficit: The role of the diaspora in bridging the gap between citizens and government
The political participation of the diaspora of the Middle East and North Africa before and after the Arab uprisings
The European Union diaspora dilemma: To dodge or to dive in
Diaspora and democratisation: Diversity of impact in Eastern Partnership countries
The influence of the African diaspora on democracy-building processes in countries of residence
The Armenian community in Iran: Issues and emigration
The right to development and internet shutdowns: Assessing the role of information and communications technology in democratic development in Africa
Are smart walls smart solutions? The impact of technologically-charged borders on human rights in Europe
Online assemblies between freedom and order: Practices in South-East Europe
Big Brother in the Middle-East and North Africa: The expansion of imported surveillance technologies and their supportive legislation
The impact of new information and communication technologies on the enjoyment of human rights in Latin America
Dystopia is now: Digital authoritarianism and human rights in Asia
Sustaining human rights in the era of new technologies: Case studies of Armenia, Belarus and the Kyrgyz Republic
Regional Developments
Selected developments in human rights and democracy in 2018: Migration and asylum in Europe
Selected developments in human rights and democratisation during 2018: Could it have been worse? Mixed messages around democracy and human rights in the Asia Pacific
Child protection and EU cooperation between Eastern Partnership countries during 2018, with a focus on Armenia, Georgia and Ukraine
Recent developments in sub-Saharan Africa during 2018
Democracy and human rights developments in Southeast Europe during 2018
Citizen agency, human rights and economic development in the context of populism and new democratic leadership models in Latin America
Sustainability of food systems: The role of legal and policy frameworks
Freedom of religion and the securitisation of religious identity: An analysis of proposals impacting on freedom of religion following terrorist attacks in Flanders
The development of Uganda’s military justice system and the right to a fair trial: Old wine in new bottles?
The forced displacement of indigenous peoples in Colombia
Regional Developments
Human rights and democracy in the Arab World in 2017: Hopeless within, doomed abroad
Challenges to the EU in 2017: Brexit implementation, populism, and the renewed attempt at advancing the social dimension of the European integration project
Selected developments in human rights and democratisation during 2017: Sub-Saharan Africa
Selected regional developments in human rights and democratisation in the Asia Pacific during 2017: ‘Diverse region with divergent stance’
Regional perspectives on democratisation of Eastern Partnership countries
Sovereign debt restructuring and the right to development: Challenges from an incomplete framework
The impact of the global financial crisis on the realisation of socio-economic rights in sub-Saharan Africa: An analysis based on the Millennium Development Goals framework and processes
Market might in Factory Asia: The struggle to protect labour
The economic crisis, debt and the impact on human rights: Eastern Partnership countries
The impact of the economic crisis on human rights in Europe and the accountability of international institutions
Violence in transition: Reforms and rights in the Western Balkans
Poderes regulatorios estatales en el pluralismo jurídico global
Regional Developments
Selected developments in human rights and democratisation during 2015: Sub-Saharan Africa
Selected developments in human rights and democratisation during 2015: Asia-Pacific
Selected developments in human rights and democratisation during 2015: Middle East
Selected developments in human rights and democratisation during 2015: The Americas
Intractable conflicts in Africa: The international response to the Darfur and South Sudan crises
Introduction to Global Classroom on Securitisation
State security, securitisation and human security in Africa: The tensions, contradictions and hopes for reconciliation
The ‘mantra of stability’ versus human security in the post-Soviet space
Securitisation versus citizenship in the Balkan states: Populist and authoritarian misuses of security threats and civic responses
From sleepwalking into surveillance societies to drifting into permanent securitisation: Mass surveillance, security and human rights in Europe
The impact of securitisation on marginalised groups in the Asia Pacific: Humanising the threats to security in cases from the Philippines, Indonesia and China
Securitisation in the Arab region: A new form of kinship relations?
Securitisation and its impact on human rights in Latin America
Regional Developments